Ecommerce Sample e-commerce app using sanity for website data and stripe for payment Live Project Github IndustryEcommerceToolsNext, Context, Sanity, Stripe
Real-Estate App App to see real-estate in UAE and filter through different categories Live Project Github IndustryReal-EstateToolsnext, context, chakra-ui
Crypto App App to see latest crypto stats, news, exchanges and search for a crypto Live Project Github IndustrycryptoToolsreact, redux-toolkit, ant-design
Meeting App where you can add, edit, delete, search and sort meetings Live Project Github IndustryITToolsvue, vuex, vuetify,vuedraggable
Places Around Me App to where you can see hotels, restaurants and attractions close to you and be able to filter by ratings Live Project Github IndustryITToolsreact, material-ui, google-map-react