
Front-End Web Developer RoadmapĀ 

4 mins read

Getting started with learning Frontend web development, going online and seeing a lot of resources for web development can be so overwhelming that one might not know where to start. In my previous blog post, I explained what web development is and why you should pursue it; In this post, I’ve outlined the specific skills you need to master to become a front-end developer. 

The most important skills to have when starting out in Front-End Development are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These are the fundamental necessities for getting started with Front-End Development. It is important to note that front-end web development is not restricted to just these three; there are other additional tools and technologies that you will need to acquire in order to thrive as a Front-End Developer in 2022. 

  • HTML 
  • CSS 
  • JavaScript 
  • Git 
  • JavaScript Library/Framework- REACT/ VUE 

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) 

HTML allows you to use elements, tags, and attributes to build and organize sections and paragraphs. Basically, it provides layout and structure of the page. Note that HTML cannot produce dynamic functionality, hence it is not regarded as a programming language. Outlined below are some concepts you need to understand in HTML: 

  • HTML Elements 
  • HTML Attributes 
  • Headings, paragraphs and link  
  • HTML list  
  • HTML Image  
  • Block and inline Elements 
  • Ids and Classes 
  • HTML Tables 
  • HTML Form 
  • Semantic Elements 

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) 

CSS is used to describe the appearance of Web pages, such as colors, layout, and fonts, making our web pages attractive to users. Outlined below are some concepts you need to understand in CSS: 

  • CSS Syntax 
  • CSS Selectors 
  • Inline, internal and external CSS 
  • Color and font 
  • Box Model 
  • Alignment 
  • Display 
  • Grid and Flex 
  • Positioning 
  • Specificity
  • Pseudo-classes and Pseudo-elements 
  • Media query 
  • Animations 


JavaScript is the world’s most popular programming language. JavaScript is a dynamic programming language used for web development. It enables you to include dynamic elements on web pages such as animated images, interactive maps, clickable buttons, and more. Outlined below are some concepts you need to understand in JavaScript: 

  • Data types and variables 
  • Outputs  
  • Operators: Arithmetic, Assignment, logical, Comparison 
  • Functions 
  • Conditional Statements 
  • Loops 
  • Objects 
  • Arrays 
  • Events and DOM 
  • Closures 
  • Promises and Async/await 
  • Classes 
  • ES6 features 


Git is a version-control system that allows you to monitor changes in computer files and collaborate on them with other people.  Git allows you to keep track of changes to your code. It is essentially your code editor’s history tab (with no incognito mode?). If you encounter a deadly error while coding and don’t know what caused it, you may always return to the stable state. As a result, it is quite useful for debugging. Alternatively, you may just examine the modifications you made to your code over time. A few commands for you to be familiar with: 

  • git init 
  • git checkout 
  • git branch 
  • git status 
  • git add 
  • git commit 
  • git push 
  • git pull 
  • git log 
  • git stash 


React is a UI development library based on JavaScript. It is managed by Facebook and an open-source developer community. Despite being a library rather than a framework, React is frequently utilized in web development. The library launched in May 2013 and has since become one of the most popular frontend libraries for web development. Some concepts in React and other libraries you should be familiar with are outlined below. 

  • Components and JSX 
  • Props 
  • State 
  • Events 
  • Conditional Display 
  • Styling 
  • Routing 
  • Lifecycle methods 
  • Context 
  • UI Library (Material UI, Chakra UI …) 
  • Redux 





  • HTML & CSS: Design and Build Web Sites by Jon Duckett 
  • JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development by Jon Duckett 


Having listed out a few things above, there are still a whole lot of things you could learn to make you stand out as a frontend developer such as Automated testing, Next js or Nuxt js in the case of Vue, Typescript, Deployment etc.  

I hope this post has given you an idea of the steps you may take to become a front-end developer, and best of luck on your quest to become a great Front-End Developer!  

Please note that this road map to becoming a front-end developer is only a learning guide, not a set of hard rules. Web tools and technology are always evolving; therefore, it is critical to stay current and refresh your skills. 


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